
Hobbies are good right? I need productive things to do in my free time. This is my attempt to use my brain for more than just work. I've been told I am a decent writer, so here I am. Writing. The trouble is figuring out what to write about...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Having A Down Day

My husband's cousin recently finished writing a novel. I had the honor of reading her manuscript. It was fantastic. Better than fantastic. Science-fictiony-actiony-love-story-ish genius. I was blown away by her talent and imagination.
You'd think that maybe reading it would further inspire me to dive into writing the story I started, right? Well....not really. I read the fluffy love story I had begun and thought, Wow. This is totally lame. I told my brother that I started writing a book, and he replied with "Are there vampires in it?" He was being silly. But no. No vampires.  Nobody has any super powers. Boring. The two main characters teach high school. Super boring. In Idaho. Ultra Super boring. I've written the beginning of the worst book ever written ever.